Seeding Change: Introducing Kitigan Gamik Land-Based Curriculum
Conditions for growing food are changing rapidly in the changing climate. While adaptation is needed,let's remember that food production has always beena land-based process with success contingent onthe right conditions. Tailored for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12, and framed within the whole-child framework, the Kitigan Gamik land-based curriculum offers teachers resources blending plant science and traditional indigenous wisdom to integrate land-based and climate adaption into their teachings. Join us in this introductory session where we will provide an overview of the Kitigan Gamik Land-basedcurriculum, its structure, and how it can be seamlessly integrated into existing programs.
During this 2-hours session, we will go over:
-Origins of the Kitigan Gamik Curriculum
-Kistikan Iskwesis (Growing Seed Girl) Story-The Whole Child Framework
-Curriculum Structure-Overview of lesson plans-Questions
Following this introductory webinar, Teachers and Educators will be invited to attend two-day, in-person seminars at Altario School. Here, they'll gain firsthand experience in implementing the Kitigan Gamik curriculum, with provided lesson plans and resources, enriching their classroom practice.
Register now to start your journey.